Construction Content Writing

You’re racing against the clock to conform to customer deadlines. You burn the midnight oil to stay up to date on government regulations. How can you find the time to market your construction business? Unfortunately, the days of simply placing a big ad in the Yellow Pages and handing out business cards are over.

Client referrals will always be golden. But if you’re just launching your business or mega construction firms are undercutting you, you’ll need a strong online presence to compete in today’s construction market. Focused content marketing can save tons of money, and it’s a far more economical alternative to expensive, conventional advertising.

I can help you design an online strategy that will get your small construction company back in the game.

Construction Content Writing Services by George Mouratidis

Let me handle your content marketing needs, and you can get back to what you do best: providing high-quality products and services to your customers. I offer specialized content writing for construction industry professionals, such as:

  • General contractors
  • Roofers
  • Plumbers and septic professionals
  • Heavy equipment rental companies
  • Construction materials manufacturers
  • Electricians
  • Architects
  • Landscaping professionals

Product And Service Pages

I’ll help you craft product and service pages that will convey complex construction practicalities in a way anybody can understand. I’ll highlight your strengths and let potential customers know exactly why they should choose YOU for their construction needs.

Brochures And Ad Copy

Show your expertise and personality through well-written brochures and ads. When faced with similar bids from two equally competent contractors, customers will always choose the contractor whose personality they like. I’ll ramp up your sales funnels and create top-notch calls to action to grow your email list and help you close more deals.

Blogging For The Construction Industry

Success as a small construction business depends on finding your niche and becoming a big fish in a small pond. Give valuable information to a select group of customers, and they will reward you with more contracts and referrals.

As an expert construction industry writer, I will create blog content that builds your credibility, grows your contact list, and helps you win the bids.

A professionally written and maintained blog will boost your construction business in countless ways, including:

  • Improving your ranking on Google – Targeted SEO-optimized construction articles will boost your ranking on search results pages. If you don’t constantly add new content, your business will never make it to the first page of Google’s search results.
  • Educating potential customers – The average consumer doesn’t understand many of the practicalities of construction trades. Your clients will be grateful for the information, and you’ll be relieved to sidestep many common misunderstandings.
  • Establishing your authority in the construction field – Offering your potential clients well-researched articles about things like proper maintenance, building codes, and other useful advice will make your website a hub for construction industry information.
  • Showase your previous work – Blogs are perfect for photojournalism and testimonials from satisfied clients. Showing potential customers concrete examples of your previous successes is the keystone of closing new construction deals.

About Us Pages

Do you specialize in eco-friendly, green construction? Are you to the go-to guys for emergency repairs? There’s no use trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Find clients who fit with you with professionally-written, targeted About Us pages.

SEO And Analytical Services

Search engine algorithms constantly change. A stagnant website just won’t cut it in today’s business world. I will analyze your existing website and help you overcome your marketing obstacles and emphasize your strengths. I’ll provide ongoing support to keep your construction business at the top of your niche.

Build credibility.

Expand your customer base.

Get referrals.

Let me design a solid blueprint for your construction business with professional content writing.