Web Copywriting Services

Searching for high-quality web copywriting services for your travel business? Truth is, the services of traditional copywriters just can’t quite cut it in the digitized 21st century. I’m sure that David Oglivy is spinning in his grave right now, but that’s the truth. Sure, a copywriter can hand in killer texts for brochures, billboards and TV ads. However, writing for the online marketplace requires a special set of skills that standard copywriters simply weren’t taught.

In addition to getting readers interested in your products or services, you need to ensure your target market has easy access to your digital texts. What’s the solution to this computing conundrum? Simple: invest in web copywriting services.

Web Copywriting for Travel Companies

Writers trained in this field know how to strike a balance between writing for consumers and computers. By monitoring the latest advances in the field of Search Engine Optimization, a full-stack copywriter will make their texts engaging for readers and attractive for search engine algorithms.

Interested in learning more about how web copywriting could supercharge your company’s growth? Keep reading to find out how you can take your business to the top of Google’s rankings with high-quality web copywriting services.

Standing Out With Travel SEO

When is the last time you’ve gone onto the third page of Google search results? If you’re like most people, then the answer is probably something like, “I can’t remember.” The content on those later pages may be sensational, but what’s the point if nobody’s getting to it?

Whether you like it or not, this is the cold hard truth online companies need to face. Luckily for businesses, a professional copywriter trained in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can give an extra edge to your content. All the tools of SEO are focused on driving organic traffic to your website and increasing your search ranking. Let’s take a quick peek at some of the most common SEO tools of the trade.

Finding the Right Word: Keyword Research

The words people type into a search engine’s browser are called “keywords” in SEO lingo. Ideally, you want keywords in your content to closely match those used by your target audience, but you don’t want to overdo it. Using the right keywords in the right places could work wonders for your website’s ranking. Figuring out a good keyword for your business requires a great deal of research.

The standard course of action for any SEO-minded copywriter relies on a very analytical approach. First, a copywriter has to understand the niche market you want to appeal to. In our case, it’s travel businesses but it can be anything from tech to cat food.

After gaining a thorough understanding of your company, an experienced SEO content strategist will analyze different keywords trends in your industry. During this phase of development, copywriters will come up with SEO-friendly keywords that are specific enough to draw in a high volume of your intended audience.

The more targeted your keywords are, and most importantly, the more relevant your content is, the better chance you have of ranking highly on search engines.

E-A-T Or Be Eaten: Creating Confident Content

First revealed in 2014, E-A-T stands for the following three features that Google values in search results: Expertise, Authority, and Trust. Websites that have higher E-A-T scores are more likely to appear at the top of Google’s search results.

Due to the high importance Google places on this holy trinity of web content, it is essential to keep this principle in mind when writing for your website (or hiring a blog manager).

Expertise, Authority, Trust

At its core, you could say E-A-T is mainly concerned with increasing comfort. Both readers and search engines need to feel comfortable using or recommending your services.

Businesses that don’t focus on E-A-T will struggle to break into the first few pages of Google, especially if your business has a lot of high-converting landing pages. Obviously, readers and search engines won’t take legal or medical advice seriously unless the copy on your site exudes confidence and authority.

For eCommerce sites, however, building trust is necessary to help readers feel secure entering sensitive credit card data. A strong web copywriting service can help improve E-A-T by using a mix of SEO strategies, privacy platforms like SSL, and powerful prose.

Explore The Benefits Of Travel Copywriting

Creating online content that’s both high quality and highly visible is a tricky endeavor. In addition to providing actionable info for readers, web copywriters have to know what makes a site SEO-friendly. Expert web copywriting services ensure that your online presence is optimized for humans and search engines alike.